

Martin Thomerson

Martin Thomerson


Helen Shaw

Helen Shaw

Membership Secretary

Louise Ainscough

Louise Ainscough


Bill Shaw

Bill Shaw


Rebecca Sogbetun

Rebecca Sogbetun

Coach Representative

Fran Redmond

Fran Redmond

Welfare Officer & Social Secretary

Rachel Finch

Rachel Finch

Run Leader Co-Ordinator

Clair Baldock

Clair Baldock

Merchandise Manager

Faith Roberts

Faith Roberts

Internal Events Co-ordinator

Gillian Hayes

Gillian Hayes

Member Representative



Lisa Jefferies

Lisa Jefferies



Jon Strange

Jon Strange

Rebecca Sogbetun

Rebecca Sogbetun

Our members enjoy some fab benefits, such as 2 club run nights per week, training sessions, coaching and mentoring and access to our members only Facebook page.

There is a variety of WRC club kit available from Touchline

Touchline UK / shop by club

We have different running routes for different abilities. Once every month all the groups run the same 5KM route to help you move up a group.

The time we use for Club record purposes is that which is shown in the official race results (chip time).

Annual club competition between the members of WRC to introduce a new fun and social way to get into running competitively.

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